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第六届高分子化学国际研讨会 (ICPC 2024)

 地点:陕西  发布时间:2024/6/5 14:34:36 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2024/7/19  会议结束时间:2024/7/21


会议地点:中国 · 西安


投稿邮箱:contact7@academicx.org (intelconf@163.com)


联系电话: +86 13296503784 (周一到周五)


第六届高分子化学国际研讨会 (ICPC 2024) 将于2024年7月19-21日在中国西安举行。ICPC 2024会议议题涵盖高分子材料合成与制备、高分子物理与表征、新型高分子材料应用等。



Dr.Heng Zhao

Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo,China

Dr.Min Su

Southwest Research & Design Institute of the Chemical Industry,China

Prof.John Hu

West Virginia University, USA

Title: Activation of Stable Chemical Bonds by Microwave Catalysis

Prof. Yuan He

Northwest University, China

Title: Remote Regulation of Enzyme-Nanozyme Cascade Reaction Kinetics by Magnetic Actuation

Prof. Ankur Jain

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, India

Title: Catalytic Tuning of Hydrides using Perovskite type oxide Materials

Dr. Mahmoud Fathy Mubarak

Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt

Title: Harnessing Self-Assembly in Carbon Nanostructure Composite Membranes for Scaling Inhibition in Water Desalination

Dr.Kriti Shrivastava

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, India

Title: Biochar based catalyst for High Performance Sustainable Hydrogen Storage

Prof.Guangnan Ou

Jimei University, China

Title: Construction of artificial metalloenzymes by protein refolding

Dr.Helena Yuan Wang

The University of Melbourne, Australia

Title: Green Hydrogen Production Through Water Electrolysis

Prof.Maria Giovanna Buonomenna

Ordine Regionale dei Chimici e Fisici della Campania (OCF) and MIUR, Italy

Dr.Md Rezaur Rahman

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia

Dr.Cher Hon (Sam) Lau

University of Edinburgh, UK

Title: Sustainable Chemical Separations: From polymer synthesis to operation to end-of-life

Dr. Alaa Yousef Ghidan

Aqaba University of Technology, Jordan

Dr. Jianfeng Xu

MRC (Medical Research Council) Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK

Title: Prebiotic synthesis of enantiopure RNA and DNA building blocks

Prof.Xuefeng GUO

The international centre for bamboo and rattan, China

Title: Preparation and its development application of the high water-solubility and purity extraction of C-glycosyl flavonoids extracted from Phyllostachys edulis leaves

Prof.Rachid Masrour

Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

Prof. Fa-Nian Shi

Shenyang University of Technology, China

Prof. Mohamed Barakat Zakaria

University Building, Egypt


1、全文参会(参会 + 全文发表 + 报告)



2、摘要参会(参会 + 摘要 + 报告 )





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2024年7月19日 - 大会签到(发指南、期刊、参会证、餐券等相关物资)

2024年7月20日 - 特邀演讲嘉宾报告

2024年7月21日 - 作者报告及海报展示

2024年7月22日 – 会后一日游


Theory, Calculation and Modeling of Polymers

Polymer Physical Chemistry Compounds

Synthesis and Properties of Macromolecules/Polymers

Polymerization Kinetics and Mechanisms

Crystallization and Self-Assembly

Dynamics of Polymer Melts

Structure and Characterization of Polymers

Interfacial, Surface and Nano-Confinement Effects

Chemical Modifications of Natural and Synthetic Polymers

Macromolecular Architecture and Supramacromolecules

Polymer Solutions, Gels and Complex Fluids

Biomacromolecules / Biocolloids / Biopolymers

Bio-Related and Medical Polymers

Magnetic and Ferroelectric Polymers

Electroactive Polymers and Polymeric Actuators

Physics and Applications of Block Copolymers

Optically Active Polymers

Polymer Matrix Composites

Polymeric Nanomaterials and Nanostructured Polymers

Shape Memory Polymers

Functional and Advanced Polymers

Complex/Multi-Phase/Multi-Component Polymer Systems

Ionomers / Polyelectrolytes / Hydrogels

Polymer Electrochemistry

Polymer Electronics

Application of Polymers

Other related issues

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