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第十四届管理与服务科学国际会议 (MASS 2024)

 地点:广西  发布时间:2024/8/7 14:19:03 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2024/10/25  会议结束时间:2024/10/27


会议地点:中国 · 桂林




联系电话 : +86 186 7234 6485 (周一到周五)

△. 大会简介

第十四届管理与服务科学国际会议 (MASS 2024) 将于2024年10月25-27日在中国桂林举行。本次大会旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚集管理与服务科学的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们的最新研究成果及应用。

△. 大会嘉宾

Dr. Ulla Damber, Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Prof. Eric Tsui, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Dr. Norhayati Zakuan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Muddassar Sarfraz, School of Management, Zhejiang Shuren University, China

Dr. Rabiul Islam, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Prof. TS DR MUHAMAD ZAMERI MAT SAMAN, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia

Dr. MOHD EFFANDI BIN HJ YUSOFF, Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

△. 参会方式

1、全文参会(参会 + 全文发表 + 报告)



2、摘要参会(参会 + 摘要 + 报告 )




△. 文章出版

出版物:所有被会议录用的英文稿件将会发表在国际英文开源期刊上, 更多详情请与我们联系 (contact10@academicx.org)。


注:1. 初版文章必须是PDF或WORD版格式,并统一通过网上投稿系统或组委会邮箱提交。终版文章必须是可编辑的WORD版格式或Latex文件包。

2. 如果您只是参会作报告,不需要发表文章,只需要将摘要提交到投稿系统

3. 您可点击左上角Template for Manuscripts下载全文投稿模板,按照此模板准备文章。全文篇幅建议15-20页(按照模板格式,带图和参考文献),超过20页需缴纳超页费。摘要投稿无格式要求,具备标题、内容、关键词、作者信息即可,篇幅建议控制在1页以内,最长不超过2页。

4. 投稿之后5-7个工作日内您会收到审核结果,如逾期未收到邮件通知,请您尽快联系我们。

5. 可投中文稿件,文章题目、摘要,关键词需要中英双语,正文部分为中文(可联系我们索取模板文档)。参会时口头报告/海报张贴必须做英文的。

△. 大会日程(供参考)

2024年10月25日 - 大会签到(发指南、期刊、参会证、餐券等相关物资)

2024年10月26日 - 特邀演讲嘉宾报告

2024年10月27日 - 作者报告及海报展示



Engineering Management

Accounting and Financial Information Systems Management

Auditing and IT Governance

Business Strategies and Information Systems

Creative and Digital Arts Technology

Decision Support System

E-Business Systems

E-Commerce Platforms & Models



Enterprise Information Systems

Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Information and Communication Technology Management

Information Systems Planning and Management

Intellectual Property Right and Patent

Inventory Optimization

Knowledge Management

Knowledge-based Systems or Expert Systems

Logistics Systems Management

Management of Technology in Small and Medium Enterprises

Management System Simulation

Object-oriented Enterprise Modelling

Operational Management

Platform and Shared Economy

Project and Program Management

Public Policy Management

Quality Control and Reliability Management

R&D Management

Resource Management

Risk Management

Security Management and Technology

Social Networking & Application

Software Agents and Intelligent Agents

Software for Business and Management

Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Technological Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions

Technology Management

Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization

Services Science

Business Service Analysis, Strategy, Design and Deployment

Business Service Process Modeling and Design

Business-to-Business Service Control

Case Studies in Services-Centric Business Models

Consumer/Customer Service Experience

Customer Relationship Management

Healthcare Services

Mobile Service Computing

Quality of Services (QoS) and Cost of Services (CoS)

Service Delivery, Deployment and Maintenance Service

Service Demand Forecasting, Pricing, and Planning

Service Innovation and Design

Service Interaction Patterns

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Management, Operations, Engineering, Design, and Marketing

Service Modeling and Implementation

Service Optimization Methods

Service Oriented Requirement Engineering

Service Research, Education, and Practice

Service Revenue Models and Utility Computing

Service Security, Privacy and Trust

Service System Modeling, Simulation and Analysis

Service Theories and Development

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Services Engineering Practices and Case Studies

Smart Cities and Public Services

Software Service Engineering

Other Related Topics

1、 今日会议频道仅负责发布会议信息,部分会议信息来自互联网,由于网络的不确定性,今日会议对所发布的信息不承担真实性的鉴别工作。如需参会、汇款、获取邀请函或会议日程,请与主办单位联系,请谨慎选择汇款参会。今日会议不承担任何汇款参会的后果。